Ski Jumping Hill on top of a gravel factory! Ashborune Presentation

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Ski Jumping Hill on top of a gravel factory! Ashborune Presentation

Post by J4cob »

Ashbourne HS 119 made by Hubex. A hill... on top of the gravel factory! (i like the design)

And story is also very nice:

Located near a small village called Ashbourne, the hill was built on the old factory of "Smith&Smith Gravel". But how did that happen ? The Smith brothers sons were big ski jump fans and were friends with Eddie the Eagle. Over the years the factory lost more and more money. So they decided in effort to gain some money back to built a ski jump on top of their factory and permanently closed the operations of the factory. This crazy idea turned out to be brilliant. The worth of the building exploaded, and was sold to a wealthy investor.
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Re: Ski Jumping Hill on top of a gravel factory! Ashborune Presentation

Post by Austrian_Skijumpfan_94 »

Thank you :D
Glad, you like the hill :)
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