Bad language

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Bad language

Post by Grufugl »

Online chatting is often full of bad language and generally bad manners. I don't want to be looked upon as a grumpy old man, so I have hesitated a bit about bringing this up. But really, some of us could try to behave ourselfs better!

I have seen participants as young as 7 years, there may be some as old as 70. There are christians, muslims, buddhists and hindus. We dsj-fans come in all shapes and colours. There is allways a risk that you offend someone if you don't watch your language.

What I'm talking about is all kinds of swearing, sex-related words, making a laughing matter out of other nations, etc. etc. I'm sure it's mostly not ment to offend, it's just thoughtless behavior.

It can't be necessary for example to write the name of the female sexual organ in big letters over the screen just because you fall in a hill. It's not cool, and it doesn't make you a heck of a guy. All you will achieve is to prove that you are an immature, ill-mannered little piece of s**t (Oops! Sorry about that...).

Being a norwegian myself, I'm sad to see that some of the norwegians are among the worst. I read and understand german to some extend in addition to english, and I have to say germans and austrians are usually much more polite.

We haven't got a moderator there to watch us, but we could simply kick those who cannot behave, couldn't we?
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Post by Mystikal »

true words from u here :)
and I also think its annoying when they use those words, when im jumping, its really annoying and distracts me to jump bad.
Jussi Koskela
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Post by Jussi Koskela »

I could implement a simple language filter on the server if you just email me a list of bad words that should be filtered out.
It will not be able to filter out all inapropriate language, so the responsibility will still be on the player...
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Post by Grufugl »

Jussi Koskela wrote:I could implement a simple language filter on the server if you just email me a list of bad words that should be filtered out.
It will not be able to filter out all inapropriate language, so the responsibility will still be on the player...
Yes, maybe that's a good idea. But doesn't it have some problems: Couldn't it be that a certain word can mean different things in different languages? So that a word that is perfectly ok in, say, polish is filtered out because in norwegian it is a bad word etc?
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Post by Thomas »

I see a filter has been installed. Sadly it seems as if the list of words in this filter is compiled by people with way too much time on their hands competing with eachother to see who can come up with most words. Everyday words are being censored. You can't even say "Damn". Who on earth would take offence from that word? Even a muslim fundamentalist would find this filter harsh.

Most people who play this game online are adults or young adults, with the exception of a few kids. Adults don't need to be protected from foul language, so why not turn off the filter after 2100 cet? Of course, there is still the possibility of kids playing from other time zones further west, but how many could that be? Is it fair to treat 40 adults as children, because of one or two kids? And if any adults take offence from the occasional cuss word, there is always the ignore function.

I think the *** look worse than whatever the alternative is. Especially since I didn't notice those words before when they were in Polish, Finnish, or other languages unfamiliar to me.

Just my piece of mind...
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Joined: 23 Jan 2007, 22:54

Post by sw2001 »

The possibility to turn off the chat completely would be another solution. If somebody doesn't want to chat, so at least he doesn't get bothered. His name in a different color and everybody knows he has turned off the chat.
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Post by Grufugl »

I don't want to make a list of norwegian words Jussi. One thing is it won't work for several reasons. A particular word in norwegian has different spelling in different dialects, several grammatical forms, can form new words by connecting to other words etc. Another thing is where to set the limit.

Anyway, the best thing would be if people could just moderate themselfs a little bit. I mean, I myself can say different not so nice things while playing, but I don't need to write it all down in the chat.
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