Here is the summary of the activity of all members counted as number of checks performed on hills which were accepted/rejected this winter season as of three days ago:
Active members:
Areen 33 hills 19 hashes 62 dsj2/3
Hubex 23 hills 14 hashes 11 dsj2/3
kasztan 13 hills 13 hashes
marcinos 4 hills 7 hashes
mask 0 hills 3 hashes
Mensix 20 hills 0 hashes
ms 48 hill 31 hashes
pangik04 41 hills 43 hashes
Tom 12 hills 8 hashes 40 dsj2/3
WA 6 hills 5 hashes
wojtekschiller3 53 hills 54 hashes 51 dsj2/3 (of which dsj3 reworks were his own work)
Non-active members:
Barti 5 hills 14 hashes 31 dsj2/3
JTH 2 hills
Xinitiao 36 hills 18 hashes 6 dsj2/3
BLusiak 8 hills
grzegorz 1 hill
Zibi 1 hill 2 hashes
Catillac 1 hill
As you can see, even when taking a break for over a month I still am the fourth most active verificator (excl. dsj2 and 3 hills, in which case I'm 5th).
The most notable achievements and events of the Hill inspection Team this winter season are:
- Veryfing 72 new hills, 72 new hashes, all dsj2 reworks and 8/40 dsj3 reworks
- Creating a verification process and criteria documents, which became apparent on the first day that they were full of loopholes and are insufficient for HIT and hillmaker use
- Having only two members involved in the creation of the above mentioned documents (W.A. and me; with W.A. having the final say)
- Implementing literally zero changes in the criteria or process documents which right now:
a) process allows for checking one's own hills, overwriting each other in the verification spreadsheet, no mention of how to process already approved hills for which faults were found and tells the members not to appreciate the effort which was taken in order to create the hills and more
b) the criteria which enforce flag proportions but allow for example for a dhill which isn't visible from F1 camera
Neither process nor criteria describe which cameras should be used to evaluate playability of the hill
- Even though the documents above are lacking, some committee members still have blatant disregard for them, the most obvious example is accepting a new version of Szklarska Poręba HS315 by Zibi (who is not a HIT member) when I have pointed out before the discrepancies in the hill versus the criteria and there were zero accepts in the verification spreadsheet at the time of the approval
- On the other hand, hills which are fully compliant with the criteria aren't being verified because of some members personal tastes ( which aren't included in either document but the documents make no effort in mitigating this - the personal tastes are always the main reason for quarrels in the committee)
- Ignoring new hills and hashes which were not made by HIT members i.e. Jena HS143
- Unveryfing without valid reason hills Dubrovnik K40, Radom HS118, Gilowice HS19, Lech am Arlberg K110
- Delaying adding to online hill Cyców-Kolonia Druga K88 because one gorisek thought "the outrun is experimental" and said that only after the first batch of hills were added
- Gorisek members mocking on various streams various hills for not conforming to their personal tastes
- Lying to me about verification of the hill Bichlbach K90 - it was promised to me that the hill would only need lowering the takeoff trees, and after doing that and more visual updates, they decided to not verify after all because one gorisek playing from f2 thought that f1 was unplayable, after making a poll in the committee, where the majority of f1 players thought that the takeoff was ok, the hill still has not gotten the checkmark back.
- Members Areen and ms publicly mocking me on stream with other goriseks for being in their opinion "too active"
- Member Barti, who has announced some time ago that he resigns from HIT, and yet he is still is marking himself as checking new hills in the spreadsheet (presumably to avoid responsibility for what he's checking)
- Member mask who is the administrator of the official discord publicly suggesting that the HIT members who check flag proportions have autism
- Member ms for checking Bichlbach's profile and construction three separate times and only noticing that the takeoff is flat and in his opinion shouldn't be on the fourth check