Offensive and foul language on chat (with screens)

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Offensive and foul language on chat (with screens)

Post by Tom2 »

When I went into the World Cup server, there were two people playing: Andrzej Madura and Kamil Świerczek. Never played with them before, so it was the first time ever.

I said hello to them and for one minute everything seemed fine, until Andrzej Madura started writing very nasty and offensive words towards us for absolutely no reason. He wanted both me and Kacper Jagiela to go out of the server, what he doesn't have right to. Like here:

(screens with proper translations down here)

wy pier da lac la moosuy\ = wypierdalać lamusy which means f*ck off lamers

I said in Polish "I wish there was possibility to use /kick in DSJ4", then he answered:

co ty możesz kickować - what allows you to kick
*** znaczysz na tym swiecie - you mean *** (he 100% meant sh*t) in this world
jestes zerem gosciu - you are nobody dude

to wyjdz - go out
to skoncze - then I will end
psie - you dog

ale twoje zdanie sie nie liczy czaisz - your opinion doesn't count, got it?
wypierdalaj - f*ck off

Two more screens from Kacper Jagiela:
nie masz kolegów? - you don't have colleagues?
Kacper Jagiela: mam - I have
no to wypierdalaj do nich - then f*ck off and go to them
na razie pogram - I will play right now
ale ja z toba smieciu nie, elo - but I won't play with you, you piece of trash, bye

That's not the way you chat with other people, especially when playing with them for the first time. I wrote this topic as a warning to other players because it could happen to anybody. Watch out!
DSJ3 TL: 7755.36m (#39), peak: 1325 (#490)
DSJ4 TL: 3550.97m (#3), online: 3506.29m (#11), peak: 1942 (#5)

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Jussi Koskela
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Re: Offensive and foul language on chat (with screens)

Post by Jussi Koskela »

I awarded him with a 7-day chat ban. Please keep the chat pleasant for everyone.
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Re: Offensive and foul language on chat (with screens)

Post by aljostrava »

How do I report a player?
There is a Polish player who is flooding the chat quite often, at least when I'm playing.
Polish is similar to Croatian, so I suspect he is also using some foul language.
I think a warning should be enough.
Jussi Koskela
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Re: Offensive and foul language on chat (with screens)

Post by Jussi Koskela »

aljostrava wrote:How do I report a player?
There is a Polish player who is flooding the chat quite often, at least when I'm playing.
Polish is similar to Croatian, so I suspect he is also using some foul language.
I think a warning should be enough.
You can take a screenshot and email it to me if there's inappropriate behavior.
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Re: Offensive and foul language on chat (with screens)

Post by SoBo »

Jussi Koskela wrote:
aljostrava wrote:How do I report a player?
There is a Polish player who is flooding the chat quite often, at least when I'm playing.
Polish is similar to Croatian, so I suspect he is also using some foul language.
I think a warning should be enough.
You can take a screenshot and email it to me if there's inappropriate behavior.
Just like that behave 90% new players, you play with these losers, you are quiet when you win they write "Gibbon" you are still quiet they write "Kurwo" and many others words.In my case never writes with these people, but how is too much I answer in the same way, although you should something to change this chat, I do not know the possibility of permanent block. When I want apologize to someone, and ask for unbans in chat doing it through the forum.|Such example. Do you know where it started? hundreds of the poor and noskilled players,who want to be better just looking for each solution,at some point in your adventure with the game went to the "gorisek" team and that's it Bartek Winczaszek, Maciek Sylwestrzuk and others witch Groisek, all the time when lost any competition just they advertised the word "Gibbon", he/she win because "Giboon", and players about which explain to these poor people so this is the move on the take off, they are worst players, Jussi should try remove it, now the best ;) without "gibbon" they would be nobody in this game.The whole team "Gorisek" uses "giboon", ut they are not only DSJ experts but for the experts in ski jumping, because they watch them on TV, then the experts "Gorisek", they are tossing their incredible knowledge from real ski jumping to DSJ, they judge others and they express themselves on Discord,live on Twitch/youtube or forum Mediamond, provoking the new players who can't play DSJ yet, so for example SoBo, Mariusz Pawel, Paweł Wąchała, generally they have achieved something in the game but that is nothing , because we create ski hills, we have the last sentence and we know best how other players can win the toilet by cheating, yes cheating on "Gorisek" opinion, or hand exploit :)I had to write it because to fix something the cause must be found , and it all started with Winczaszek and Sylwestrzuk fev years ago, and if it had been among the old players it would not be, but they want to pass on to other players how the others are weak they use gibbon and it helps them. I hope that you will check hills from Gorisek on F2 camera, because what I remember completely unsuitable to play online on f2 camera, instead of getting to work they are making such poor hills, of what I remember only Whistler HS142 is complete finish to the F2 camera, rest to change .
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Re: Offensive and foul language on chat (with screens)

Post by kzr »

sobo, just a quick reminder. you had a ban also, so you are in these 90%, czesc
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Re: Offensive and foul language on chat (with screens)

Post by SoBo »

kzr wrote:sobo, just a quick reminder. you had a ban also, so you are in these 90%, czesc
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The new friend of the Goriskek ?

did I write to you in the online DSJ chat ? answer: no

I answered you in the online DSJ chat ? answer: no

I answered you in the online DSJ chat after he directly challenged me ? answer : probably yes

I don't know what you are writing for as you know or not ban on chat from Jussi they are straightforward, you challenge someone you have a ban you don't challenge, just answer you have a ban, you are posting on Mediamond Maciek Sylwestrzuk collects screenshots on discord to report,no words to describe how nasty they are.

And to the rest of the players, the fact that Gorisek team makes hills is great, that they keep talking that Jussi is flax,they have to keep asking him about everything,they say that his hills are worse, and generally how bad he is it is also a fact, but the worst part is that that this game needs freshness, and a group of people gathered who got the opportunity do something from the owner of the dSJ (Mediamond), gathered commiunity new commiunnity, and tells them all the time how all-knowing "Gorisek" is, and how stupid others are.About ending, "Macius" have been making Hills about one year, and evaluating your work it's not very good , so instead report someone improve your hills, because you are wasting your time and energy for other things :) And as I wrote in the chat don't write to me, don't mark I don't need your attention, many times I keep telling you this, but you think you can do anything.So who's right?I can send you screenshots as I am asking you not to write to me, and the whole Gorisek team does it on every occasion.
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Re: Offensive and foul language on chat (with screens)

Post by SoBo »

Jussi Koskela wrote:I awarded him with a 7-day chat ban. Please keep the chat pleasant for everyone.
Jussi that everything what i wrote about Gibbon and Gorisek Team ... nknown.png ... nknown.png

These are their fans,do with this what you want, but it looks like this chat on DSJ if you win any hills
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Re: Offensive and foul language on chat (with screens)

Post by Tom2 »

@SoBo, I partially understood what you meant, but that partially is something around 20-25%. Few things you mentioned here are entirely wrong and you know that, don't you...

First of all, I'm glad you finally screened some of these awful behaviors from other players and pushed it on the website.
SoBo wrote:These are their fans,do with this what you want, but it looks like this chat on DSJ if you win any hills
What I don't understand, for example, is that you connect being offended by someone to being a fan of something. I mean, what being Gorisek fan, Metallica fan, SoBo fan or anything fan has to do with that kind of behaviour? This is utterly unacceptable regardless of someone's preferences - I'm sure Jussi will ban that guy for at least a week if he sees this and I'm very sorry it happened to you.
SoBo wrote:The whole team "Gorisek" uses "giboon"
The whole? The only members of this team who use gibbon or used it in the past are myself, Maciej Sylwestrzuk and Bartek Winczaszek for few offline records. That sums for three of us, while the team consists of 10 members, not 3.
SoBo wrote:we have the last sentence and we know best how other players can win the toilet by cheating, yes cheating on "Gorisek" opinion, or hand exploit
"can win the toilet"? Were you using translator while writing this? What does it even mean?
SoBo wrote:they advertised the word "Gibbon", he/she win because "Giboon"
SoBo wrote:they judge others and they express themselves on Discord,live on Twitch/youtube or forum Mediamond, provoking the new players who can't play DSJ yet
Provoking the new players? Just because we proved that gibbon has some advantages over the normal technique, doesn't mean we have problem with someone using it, at least not myself. As far as it's allowed by author of the game, anyone can use any technique that gives him advantage - either gibbon, takeoff corrections, waiting for the wind in online mode or anything else.

However, the whole thing, like gibbon or slide bug, that give kind of advantage there shouldn't exist and doesn't have anything to do with real ski jumping, should be removed in the future (if possible), the same way it happened with sev bug back in DSJ3. And we absolutely don't mean to provoke anyone by telling our analysis about some aspects of the game. I'm sorry if you think different.
DSJ3 TL: 7755.36m (#39), peak: 1325 (#490)
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Mariusz Paweł
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Re: Offensive and foul language on chat (with screens)

Post by Mariusz Paweł »

"However, the whole thing, like gibbon or slide bug, that give kind of advantage there shouldn't exist and doesn't have anything to do with real ski jumping, should be removed in the future (if possible), the same way it happened with sev bug back in DSJ3. And we absolutely don't mean to provoke anyone by telling our analysis about some aspects of the game. I'm sorry if you think different".

That words make no sense for real, "like gibbon or slide bug, that give kind of advatage there shouldn't exist and doesn't have anything to do with real ski jumping" - I waved my mouse up and down up and down from take off to landing and i have jumped so far away the Hill size and you compare it with real jumps - please... The game will never reflect real jumps - and your comparison of 0.5m-1m on every hill to others, as I mentioned today, embarrassing - because it's called a skill and taking the time(few hours day per day) to get a good distance and be on the top lists. Like i said gibbon its only visual effect because im doing it by moving my mouse with a speciffic settings, watch scores in tournaments when all TOP players making the same distances with bad wind or good wind :)

Your arguments that "gibbon" gives you an advantage is because someone is better than you and has spent more time getting that distance. And when it comes to comparing this effect with real jumps, it is the other way around, because in real jumps, when ski jumper did a jump we can see the skis "gibbs" for few seconds, and in the game just the jumper does it - so that's the difference. Your pain for this effect is only because someone is statistically better than you or has spent many hours to be a professional in what he does.

There is no point in comparing yourself to others, because you have no idea who has the skill, how much time he spent on this game, how many jumps he has made on official hills - it is not a determinant by any means. And such posting of this thread on the forum is to destroy someone's hard work.

Finally, I will write - get down to work, spend some time training, and the effects will come by themselves and you will stop comparing bad players to professional ones.

Mariusz Paweł [POL]
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Re: Offensive and foul language on chat (with screens)

Post by Tom2 »

Mariusz Paweł wrote:Your arguments that "gibbon" gives you an advantage is because someone is better than you
My argument that "gibbon" gives me an advantage is offline records. I'm 101% sure I will never jump anything close to 140.49 without gibbon in Lahti. I'm 101% sure I will never reach more than 230m in Oberstdorf without gibbon, while record being set at 231.21 by you.

I actually did a very decent 229.40 without gibbon (2nd best result all-time w/o gibbon) and this is one of my best jumps ever, if not the best, without that technique and I can't see myself beating that by more than half a meter, if ever. I did a serious amount of jumps over 227m on that hill with normal takeoff, and trust me - I really did my best to jump as far as possible, while having my technique in the flight unchanged.

I'm even more than 105% sure I will never fall at 225.85 in Bad Mitterndorf without gibbon, while having a fall w/o gibbon at 224.84, one of my best jumps ever on that hill.

I'm also more than 100% sure nobody will jump more than 142m in Zakopane HS134 without gibbon. Many tried and max was something a bit over 141.5, while WR is set at an absurd distance of 143.31.

Recently, Antek Ludwik in Sapporo jumped 148.84 in training, gate 8, obviously with gibbon. Name me anyone who jumped at least 148 in training in Sapporo w/o gibbon, and I might change my mind.

You really want to tell me gibbon doesn't give advantage? Ok. If there will be one jumper who does at least this w/o gibbon, at least in training from world record gates:
156 Willingen (gate 5)
142.5 Zakopane HS134 (gate 4)
140 Val di Fiemme HS134 (gate 3)
148 Sapporo HS134 ( gate 8 )
136.5 Kuopio HS127 ( gate 8 )
147.5 Klingenthal HS140 (gate 14)
148.5 Ga-Pa HS140 (gate 10)
140.5 Lahti HS130 (gate 4)
230-230.5 Oberstdorf HS213 (gate 13)

I may change my mind. Otherwise, these seemingly 99.9% impossible to reach distances prove that gibbon gives statistically advantage on many, many hills, if done properly.
DSJ3 TL: 7755.36m (#39), peak: 1325 (#490)
DSJ4 TL: 3550.97m (#3), online: 3506.29m (#11), peak: 1942 (#5)

DSJ3 PB: 318.88m (#19)
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Re: Offensive and foul language on chat (with screens)

Post by aljostrava »

People, please.
This thread is about offensive language in chat, not a gibbon discussion.
I don't understand how someone can get so furious about a piece of software.
World records and professionals? In what, clicking buttons and pulling a mouse up and down a table?
You make it sound like your life depends on it.
If you can't have fun with it, go read a book or take a walk in a park.
Or better yet, learn English!