The future of DSJ

General discussion about DSJ4.
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Re: The future of DSJ

Post by J.MIRO »

So Jussi, what are plans for next version of DSJ?
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Re: The future of DSJ

Post by green »

I completely agree with Peter!
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Re: The future of DSJ

Post by deges »

What is the worst thing in DSJ4 in my opinion is that it has really boring physics. Being the best means you have to hold your mouse in a right place or just move it a little bit during flight. I thing there should be some unpredictible crosswinds, the steering should be more complicated and maybe the position on the inrun should be controllable. That's what would make this game really fun, because now it's just waiting for perfect wind and boring flying with weak winds. Another good option is to add a mode in which you could jump on some non-realistic hills like in DSJ2, that would be very interesting.
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Re: The future of DSJ

Post by SuperAdo111 »

Any plans on 3D simulation? I am out of Online gaming for quite some time now, as I lost motivation for it, but the thing I would like to see in next versions is 3D simulation, just as it was case in DSJ3. Is there any chance for this in upcoming versions? I know it's quite hard to do, but would be a really nice feature to have.
Jussi Koskela
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Re: The future of DSJ

Post by Jussi Koskela »

SuperAdo111 wrote:Any plans on 3D simulation? I am out of Online gaming for quite some time now, as I lost motivation for it, but the thing I would like to see in next versions is 3D simulation, just as it was case in DSJ3. Is there any chance for this in upcoming versions? I know it's quite hard to do, but would be a really nice feature to have.
You are probably referring to possibility to see CPU player's jumps? I don't have any new ideas for that. The implementation was quite weak in DSJ3 and with the DSJ4 physics it would be even weaker.
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Re: The future of DSJ

Post by maftei.alin »

Jussi you have plans to release a new version in this summer with 1-2 hills? Hinterzarten mayby ?
Jussi Koskela
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Re: The future of DSJ

Post by Jussi Koskela »

maftei.alin wrote:Jussi you have plans to release a new version in this summer with 1-2 hills? Hinterzarten mayby ?
Sorry, no. The development of DSJ4 is pretty much on hold due to reasons discussed earlier. But I may still release some smaller updates later if I come up with something nice.
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Re: The future of DSJ

Post by matmatrix121 »

New version should be released in November/December 2014. 3-4 hills enough if Jussi does not want to make new versions.
Mateusz Marciniak POL

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Re: The future of DSJ

Post by SuperAdo111 »

Jussi Koskela wrote:
SuperAdo111 wrote:Any plans on 3D simulation? I am out of Online gaming for quite some time now, as I lost motivation for it, but the thing I would like to see in next versions is 3D simulation, just as it was case in DSJ3. Is there any chance for this in upcoming versions? I know it's quite hard to do, but would be a really nice feature to have.
You are probably referring to possibility to see CPU player's jumps? I don't have any new ideas for that. The implementation was quite weak in DSJ3 and with the DSJ4 physics it would be even weaker.
Yup. Real shame, but I can live with it. Thanks for quick response.
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Re: The future of DSJ

Post by MJumper »

Areen wrote: Me damiit, so why I paid you for next year subscription? I believed that you're gonna do something meanwhile summer time for next winter, but now I see that it was a big mistake. As a developer I'm very disapointed with your "campaign" to get more players to this game.
I don't think it makes sense to release new versions during summer when both real life ski jumping and DSJ are off season. Probably better to release updates when as many as possible are likely to notice. You can still use your subscription to dominate summer GP: the way it seems to me is that anyone participating in all of the competitions has a fair chance for top 5... Anyway, wouldn't say you've lost too much: online subscriptions are really cheap, like what: 10€/year? To me that's less than four days worth of student lunches for a whole year of DSJ online. Personally, I'd be prepared to pay even quite a bit more than that.

Still, I agree with you that it seems like not much effort is being made to attract new players. But I'm sure Jussi has figured out what makes most sense for him, and I don't think this game would exactly be a gold mine even with some moderate increase in new players. Besides, the game already feels "complete", all that's left to add is more hills, which Jussi can't charge us for.

Only thing I'd really want is Wine compatibility so I can still randomly fire this game up on Linux after 10+ years when Windows is dead (probably), but I've pretty much given up hope on that already too.
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Re: The future of DSJ

Post by akkarbelling »

Areen wrote:
Jussi Koskela wrote:
maftei.alin wrote:Jussi you have plans to release a new version in this summer with 1-2 hills? Hinterzarten mayby ?
Sorry, no. The development of DSJ4 is pretty much on hold due to reasons discussed earlier. But I may still release some smaller updates later if I come up with something nice.
Me damiit, so why I paid you for next year subscription? I believed that you're gonna do something meanwhile summer time for next winter, but now I see that it was a big mistake. As a developer I'm very disapointed with your "campaign" to get more players to this game.
It's not Jussi's fault that you bought subscription for another year. You can still play the game even though new hills are not beign made. The game is still the same, so why complain.
Martin Kafka
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Re: The future of DSJ

Post by Martin Kafka »

Areen wrote:I complain about that this game is not finished as it was promised. I support a developer which product will be updated and bugs gonna be fixed, but Jussi is about to drop his game at point when there is still lack of many hills and features. It's not raging or something, it's criticism.
I'm sorry but I gotta respond to this. What exactly was supposed to be promised? Can you include a link to any official announcement or statement either here at forum or on the website where Jussi actually promised something?

I agree with MJumper that the game already feels quite complete. Not all expectations can be met. And you clearly confuse promises with expectations. The thing is, there's never gonna be "enough" for everyone. As more people get to play your game, the more angry feedback you can expect, the more you'll get shat on. What really pisses me off are the people who dare to attack the author of the game, accusing him of greediness, laziness and whatnot, just because he hasn't fulfilled EACH and EVERY one of their wishes and suggestions. And the hills. Oh my God, the hills. Why can't be there like... 10 new hills EVERY FUCKIN' week? Free of charge, of course. Do you even hear yourselves? Majority of seasoned players understand the situation. I had suggestions which were never implemented, too, and I don't bitch about it. Get over it. You get what you pay for and if you don't like it, you shouldn't buy in the first place. Critique is welcome for improving and further development, but it ought to be constructive, written in helpful and polite manner. The way you march in here like "I paid for this and you haven't delivered, blah blah..." is very childish, you know.

Please, read all the changelogs posted in the Announcements section since January 2012. Believe it or not, a LOT of bugfixing and updating has been done in DSJ4.

As for the features, we certainly haven't been let down either. Many players longed for CPU jumpers, guess what - they got them. Hell, we could even choose the kind of CPU implementation in a poll. People cried out for K.O. mode, they got their K.O. mode. Everybody asked for Online records, here they are. 'Stop camera' was another feature "by request" etc.

The only sort of promise I remember reading was back when the first full version (w/ 8 hills) was released, something along the lines of 'more hills are coming'. We got three times more. I know, the number slightly pales in comparison with DSJ3's 40, but you have to take into account the complexity of the hills. It's still pretty good if you ask me.

Even if DSJ4 is done for, I think the guy deserves some credit instead of this whining. Yes, whining. What you wrote down is not a criticism by a long stretch.

Was there room for improvement? Hell yeah. But the game hardly sells anymore, so what can you do. Certainly can't expect Jussi to waste any more (unpaid) time on this. Maybe it's just time for him to move on to other projects. Bear in mind this game was (being) made for a very limited target market which DOES NOT grow, quite the opposite, all this made even worse by the fact it's pretty much seasonal.

I only hope the dedicated servers will be kept running for some time for the paying customers. I, for one, still enjoy occasional Online competing.

It's a little sad 15th anniversary, but let me say this: KUDOS and RESPECT to Mr. Koskela for all his efforts during those 15 years. I've enjoyed and keep enjoying the game immensely, and wish him the best of luck with his future endeavours, whatever they may be.
Jussi Koskela
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Re: The future of DSJ

Post by Jussi Koskela »

Thanks Martin. Don't worry, I'll keep the servers running.
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Re: The future of DSJ

Post by akkarbelling »

Well said Mr Kafka!
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Re: The future of DSJ

Post by bulwa11 »

That's a pretty damn good post from Martin! Well said :)
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