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My jumps are ALWAYS too short

Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 15:28
by sup3rrac3r

I play DSJ 4 for several years now, thried different mouse settings and mouse hardware.

The main problem is, that I never reach the hill size (HS) with my jumps. Depending on the hill, i usually stay 10 - 15 m below hill size.
I would like to improve, but therefore i need to know, what i am doing wrong, even after many years of gameplay.
What i noted from many replays i looked at is, that the jumpers make a "shaking" movement immediately after take off, looks like he touched a high tension power cable... untio now, I did not find out how to re-create that behavior of the jumper, but it seems to give him a much more powerful take-off than I can get with the normal technique.
I bought a gaming mouse today that supports up to 3600 dpi, but also was not able to reach the desired effect.
No idea, what i need to change.
Signed up for the online game yesterday, but i was always at last position, which was very frustrating, even after years of playing.

Also tried to vary the point of take off when leaving the ramp, but that did not bring the desired effect.

When taking off, how long do I need to hold down L and R mouse button? Is that of any importance?
When do you start moving the mouse backwards, directly after pressing L and R mouse buttons or already at the same time? How do you manage to get the skis upwards after take-off in a glimpse of an eye? When moving the mouse rapidly backward to have the skis up fast, jumper moves backwards too strong and gets in a steep angle. Reducing mouse sensitivity does not help, because during the jump, the mouse path would be much too long...
Maybe the key is using 2 mouses with different dpi simultaneously?!

Would be nice if someone could help me to improve, i am about to lose motivation with this game...

Re: My jumps are ALWAYS too short

Posted: 07 Jan 2024, 12:24
by MikesCZ
The "shaking" is called "gibbon" but you don't need to learn that, you need to master the default jumping technique first.

Regarding hardware and DPI - there is no one "best" settings. Everyone likes something different.

I suggest to watch replays from player who does not use gibbon so you can see how it's done. For example: Marcin Śliwiński

In the replay focus on where exactly he hit the take off, then what position does the jumper go to after take off and how they adjust it during flight.

Once you master this yourself, then you can worry about gibbon imo.