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Error while downloading the new version

Posted: 06 Nov 2023, 20:06
by Broxima

so I lost DSJ4 from my PC after the hard drive it was on broke. And now I wanted to install the 11.3 version and play. When I install the game I get this error: Image Does anyone know why? How can I fix this?

Re: Error while downloading the new version

Posted: 06 Nov 2023, 21:48
by MikesCZ
how about "ignoruj"? Does it then finish the rest of installation?

Re: Error while downloading the new version

Posted: 06 Nov 2023, 23:35
by Broxima
Sadly when I ignore all of the errors the game won't start

Re: Error while downloading the new version

Posted: 07 Nov 2023, 16:38
by MikesCZ
What I would do is to go and remove all the leftover folders manually from PC and then do a clean install attempt (as admin). Unless you have something you don't want to lose in those folders.