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A better player stimulation

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 01:33
by Vid
I just finished playing DSJ online, did very well and I'm bursting with ideas here, hehe :lol:

Another interesting idea which I'm sure will spark everyone's efforts:

What if there WAS a small actual prize for the players with best rating or maybe Wednesday/Saturday competition winners? Because looking for sponsors could be kind of a tricky business, maybe his majesty Jussi Koskela himself would grant top 5, 10, or 15 players a free monthly registration? :wink: That would be then similar to I think cross-country skiing where the top racers travel around the world at the ski federations' expenses :lol:

It wouldn't matter to me because I already got one year subscription, but I'm sure the fights will be much much better and overall player skill (and of course the number of players, too :) ) will improve much more...

Anyway, this kind of an idea is of course only for Jussi to decide upon, and the rest only to comment :)