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Unfair players

Posted: 21 Feb 2016, 14:49
by SoBo
I write to all community :lol:

I would like to let you know that two players Bartek Winczaszek and Nejc Kavasaki are not fair :( . Nejc couldn't reach 1700 during TDD because his skills are not good enough. When he realised that he wouldnt do that. He decided to give his reg key to Bartek Winczaszek. I have many evidences to proof this incident :wink:

1. Firstable Winczaszek has unique style of take off, and Kavasaki using exactly same style managed to beat his pb in Kuopio

2. Winczaszek and Kavasaki had exactly the same colour of suits during WOT ( making identical colour of suit requires entering colour code I really doubt that they shared this code... :lol: )

I'm confused with Bartek's attitude because he achived a lot in this game , I really dont know what was the reason that pushed him to to that :lol:

Re: Unfair players

Posted: 21 Feb 2016, 15:01
by Nejc Kavasaki
hahahahahahah XD XD XD....

1. you are funny
2. you dont have evidence for that
3. i asked Bartek what suit to you, and he send me that suit...
4. i have better pb on kupoio on my fahters account ( Drago Oven )
5. you are so stupid if you compare suit and take off... will you compare the telemark too??? all that evidence is so rondom...
6. i like his stayle... he has the beautiful stayle...
7. i didn't send him my key... are you serius :)
8. end topic

have a nice day :)

Re: Unfair players

Posted: 21 Feb 2016, 17:11
by Maciejo-96
What a stupid topic. Maybe you are jealous that Nejc started to jump well?

I was a few time ago under suspections by Dominik Andrzejczuk, because in his opinion I was playing as Sven Hannawald. Reason? Gibbon XDDD To clear it finally, I haven't been launching this game after Wielki Benefys 2015 (28th-29th March 2015); even in this time, when he was suspecting me, I had already moved out and left PC with DSJ4; actually I'm not able to play DSJ on Ubuntu.

This is a proof of bad addiction to this game. Topic to lock.

Re: Unfair players

Posted: 21 Feb 2016, 18:00
by SoBo
I just wrote it because all players schould have respect for other players.Your opinion just did not mean anything, because u hate DSJ 4 , this game 4u is for dummies , just low players are still play on that...I'm play regularly , i know who can jump at the top level , and I know in 100% Nejc can't do it...Maybe in the future but not now....Yesterday Bartek play with us fev min before WOT , he set bb all , and after 2 min to WOT join Nejc Kavasaki with chat off, (he never do it before), and start make new PB on this account , and after fev jumps he beat PB , strange?, why he didnt make it before? and another strange situation he use the same colour on ski jumper like Bartek 2 min ago....I'm not writing it because i check everyone who is play good on DSJ4 , but i don't like Nejc Kavasaki because he is young troll on DSJ chat, and i know him, know his skill , and nobody can prove me so this didn't true.....

Maciek with a few people ,we make to the conclusion ,so from my profile we will post on the forum , and you can believe me I did not write first post abut this two unfair players , because my written English is still on low level , I just share this post , but someone else wrote it

And this post i make myself so u can expect some mistakes.........but it does not matter

You do not play :?: ? no trolling this forum :lol:

Re: Unfair players

Posted: 21 Feb 2016, 19:57
by Nejc Kavasaki
Mariusz Sobon you think that you are god in this game... you dont know anything... i think you are so jelous on me.. because i started playing better... and my jumps are little better....

hahaha i'm young troll on chat.. hahaha.. you dont know how good is my skill... and again i can say: i didnt send my key to Bartek...

and i agree with Maciej, stupid topic..

and SoBo... is it not weird that only 3 or 4 POLISH jumpers think that what you wrote here???

Re: Unfair players

Posted: 21 Feb 2016, 20:00
by Jani Novak
Come on guys, I talked to Nejc Kavasaki yesteerday while jumping and he was surprisingly talking Slovenian back to me, not polish as you think. Absolutely Bartek wasnt jumping instead of Nejc. I also talked to Drago Oven (Nejc´s father), while jumping and defenitely it was him not Nejc jumping as Drago Oven. So please dont look for any conspiracies. If Bartek would have jumped instead of Nejc, they would have cheated only themselves not us. I guess we all know that. So enjoy the game in the future and have fun.