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Jurij Tepes and DSJ F4 comparison :)

Posted: 28 Mar 2013, 22:46
by Cooltys
As everybody know, Jurij Tepes jumped in Planica with helmet camera. This is a quick comparison of his jump and a DSJ 4 close one.

Enjoy and greetings to F4 ski jumpers ! ;)

Re: Jurij Tepes and DSJ F4 comparison :)

Posted: 29 Mar 2013, 00:54
by SuperAdo111
Thats pretty nice,it would be better if you put less hue/saturation on dsjs one,but its really synced.Liked :)

Re: Jurij Tepes and DSJ F4 comparison :)

Posted: 29 Mar 2013, 23:15
by Cooltys
I would be so excited if DSJ Online could have "only F4 camera server" ! F4 camera is a very nice option and thank you Jussi for that!

F4 camera (if is set properly) is much closer to a real jumping, and i have so much fun to jump with that settings! Player feels that moment...starting to take off and feel if u will fly away or not...much more real for me! But really hard:)

Re: Jurij Tepes and DSJ F4 comparison :)

Posted: 30 Mar 2013, 10:30
by EgyLynx
are cooltys jump real life yet?

Re: Jurij Tepes and DSJ F4 comparison :)

Posted: 30 Mar 2013, 20:55
by Cooltys
EgyLynx wrote:are cooltys jump real life yet?
I know what you mean...:) no but in my opinion and what i hearing from ski jumpers when they talking about whole jump, F4 is a really nice option to have more real jumping.