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Tournament 07/03/07 results and discussion

Posted: 07 Mar 2007, 22:24
by Jussi Koskela


Posted: 07 Mar 2007, 22:40
by Chrysler_Viper
I don't want to sound arrogant, but I knew that i am able to win a tournament!

and today i made really good jumps!

grats to kafka, after 28 hills we were ex aequo so it was always interesting!

@ Jussi:
Vielleicht hat es mich motiviert, dass der erfinder des spiels deutsch kann,
bist auf jeden fall talentiert :)

first austrian?!?

Posted: 07 Mar 2007, 23:23
by Chrysler_Viper
am I the first austrian who wins a world cup tournament?!?

that would be great :)

Posted: 07 Mar 2007, 23:39
by Vik
Jussi kann deutsch??? Wusste ich gar nicht. Und ich erzähl dir immer alles auf meinem schlechten Englisch :P ....

Aber jetzt wird nur noch DEUTSCH geschrieben.... :lol:

Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 00:16
by Jani Oravisjärvi
Congratulations Dawid. :D (ja tietenkin hieno pronssi, Tuomo. 8) )

I'm quite happy about my own position. Much mistakes but start was good and I had big Q all the time. Last hills also went well and I passed Audun and Vid, which was nice ending.

Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 01:07
by Vid
This was the hardest tournament for me ever!!

It was mostly because of the wind. I don't know for the rest of you, but I had at least 2.0 backwind on 75% of my jumps. I tried to wait on the start ramp for wind to calm down, but today I just didn't have luck with that. Murphy's laws worked well for me today :)
What's more, there were few hills where we had no wind in Q, but in 1st round there it was again - 2.0 at least :lol:

Still, I managed to keep a clear mind till 20th hill, but then I lost my touch completely. Last 6 hills I scored points only once, and the first 16 hills I always finished in the top 15 :lol:
And that's what I really like about those tournaments - the final results always show most consistent, calm and composed players as winners!

Again I must say that is a pity that if a player is dropped by a server, he loses his points in the tournament. Hope that problem will be fixed with the next version.

And a strange thing happened today - a fellow Slovenian player did not see myself and some other players on general rankings' list during the tournament. How could this happen?

I won't be able to jump on Saturday, so there's an 8th place reserved for one of you guys :)

Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 09:24
by Chrysler_Viper
you are right, it was a real hard competition,
i think everyone had bad wind...

maybe you had bad luck with waiting for wind,
i didn't do that at any hill, so maybe that was an advantage for me, but i also jumped constantly, just didn't qualify for top30 twice and at about 25 hills i got in top15 :)

Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 13:58
by Hans Gunnar
I forgot that it started so early, so I came in after 22 hills. Did qualify for all hills after that, but just after landing the final jump in hill 27 DSJ3 crashed and sent me to the desktop with the message "critical error" or something. Never happened before.

When logging back in I had lost 80 rating-points because of this...argh!

Finished the last jumps ok, but it's very annoying to loose points because of the game crashing...

Jussi: Perhaps you should build in some error-handling that sends such error-messages to the Event Log with some more details about what went wrong?

Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 14:04
by Jussi Koskela
Hans Gunnar wrote: Jussi: Perhaps you should build in some error-handling that sends such error-messages to the Event Log with some more details about what went wrong?
It was an "unexcepted error" which occurs only if somehting really unexpected happens. At that point there's no way to resolve what went wrong. Luckily that kind of error is thrown very rarely :wink:

Posted: 09 Mar 2007, 17:55
by Hans Gunnar
Jussi Koskela wrote:It was an "unexcepted error" which occurs only if somehting really unexpected happens. At that point there's no way to resolve what went wrong. Luckily that kind of error is thrown very rarely :wink:
If you put a try-catch around your whole code you can catch it - but it would probably not make much sense, lol.