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Re: The future of DSJ

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 21:16
by MJumper
Jussi Koskela wrote: the most common word of mouth seems to be how to play the full version illegally for free.

It's pretty descriptive if you check what additional keywords Google suggests when you search for 'Deluxe Ski Jump 4'.
That's true for most commercial proprietary software, I think. It is probably the reason why games seem to be moving towards making money in other ways besides actually selling the software (or they introduce some horrible DRM that makes the game half-unplayable and encourages further pirating :roll: ).

Here's a list of totally crazy suggestions (based on what I have seen in other software...):
  • start selling a mobile app for tracking player progress, watching replays etc.
  • start selling customized jumper helmets, suits and skis
  • make the game completely online: no offline-mode or compulsory connection to DSJ-online even when playing offline (with monthly fees)
  • include advertisements and have users pay to get rid of them
Ok, at least the last two ones were jokes, please, please don't do those :D.

Interestingly, as strange as it sounds, the main reason to pay for DSJ seems to be honor: getting your name on the top of that list, showing your skill online. Really dedicated players care about this and will keep paying for it no matter what, but if you just want to jump now and then offline with your friends, the treshold to piracy (probably) gets lower. I think you should find some other element to attract more players. For example, a lot of players seem to be interested in what I would call role-playing elements such as a career mode. While I don't think this is really what DSJ is about, maybe you should consider something like it. Currently the game is a pure skill game, I think current developments in gaming show (sadly, in my opinion) that people are more interested in role-playing, social features (customization, achievements, social media integration) and the casual easy-to-play-instant-reward type of games (preferably on mobile devices). All of that sounds awful to me but you need make money somehow. One thing I would like though, is multiplayer over LAN or possibility of hosting private games online.

Re: The future of DSJ

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 21:35
by davisp
Include advertisment doesn't have to be negative. Like EA Games has advertisment in their FIFA games in the stadion, you can implement advertising in the outrun, on helmets, skies (fischer, elan, flüge). The question is: How realistic is this? Would a company have interest in it? How much money would it really generate... I really don't know, I'm no expert. I just try to help here ;)

Re: The future of DSJ

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 21:39
by MJumper
davisp wrote:Include advertisment doesn't have to be negative. Like EA Games has advertisment in their FIFA games in the stadion, you can implement advertising in the outrun, on helmets, skies (fischer, elan, flüge)
Oh right, that might be more reasonable, I was thinking of some kind of nagware advertising like spotify :lol:.

Re: The future of DSJ

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 22:11
by NiklasMüller
MJumper wrote:
davisp wrote:Include advertisment doesn't have to be negative. Like EA Games has advertisment in their FIFA games in the stadion, you can implement advertising in the outrun, on helmets, skies (fischer, elan, flüge)
Oh right, that might be more reasonable, I was thinking of some kind of nagware advertising like spotify :lol:.
That´s a good idea

Re: The future of DSJ

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 22:20
by kacpero40
C'mon. Maybe look out for a sponsors? I know it's not easy to find but there's nothing left to lose.

Re: The future of DSJ

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 22:33
by kidmaciek
To most of you, people: you just seem to be 13-year olds, that think DSJ is the thing Jussi works on 24h a day. Well, I guess he's not. It's just the thing he does because of his passion for ski jumping. I don't think you should request things like mobile apps, five different flying styles, etc., because they are useless. Customized non-free skis/helmets/whatever are also useless and not many players would go for them.

Now, to you, Jussi: what I think, and many of my friends do, is that the key to the popularity of DSJ is online mode. Why would you pay several times for just one game? I've never paid more than once for one game, and I don't feel like doing so, even if I want to play DSJ online soooo much. Don't you feel people are not encouraged to pay for the game, that doesn't let them play online? We can have it for free, and as you can see, not many people care about whether you work hard and should be paid, or not. It is fun to play offline, because the game is nice, but it just gets boring, sooner or later. If you look on 'today's' video games, you clearly see that online mode is what makes them popular. Why not selling DSJ as one piece, with offline and online mode, with two key-codes? I don't know if it is possible to avoid cheaters, but if it is, I don't see a problem to make my only wish real.

Re: The future of DSJ

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 22:38
by Szymon11
kacpero40 wrote:C'mon. Maybe look out for a sponsors? I know it's not easy to find but there's nothing left to lose.
You are mad, aren't you? Mediamond TMI is not EA Sport or Ubisoft. There is one way to promote DSJ: we ought to say everyone who is keen on ski jumping that he can try jump with us, with wirtual fans of ski jumping it by playing this game or something another... This is only right way to make DSJ popular.

Re: The future of DSJ

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 22:54
by kacpero40
I' don't see anything crazy in that. I tried to say something about money.

Re: The future of DSJ

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 23:10
by MJumper
kidmaciek wrote: I don't think you should request things like ...
My post was only half serious, you know... If, as Jussi implies, the current model is not very profitable, he has to come up with something if he wants to make more money, however the "suggestions" I made were references to what others have tried (and I said I wouldn't want nor like them).

Furthermore, how does it help Jussi if he gets even less money from online game as you seem to suggest (i.e. only one-time payment)? The people who play actively online are few but they will keep paying, ideally Jussi should find more people like that.

Incidentally, Jussi, would it be appropriate to inquire about the relative share of income stream from online subscriptions vs. full version keys? That is, how big a share of players actually keep playing online after the initial free period? Just out of interest and of course no need to answer if you don't want to reveal such information.

Re: The future of DSJ

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 23:28
So its not good times for Jussi. Well, the popularity of ski jumping (without Slovenia and Poland) is getting lower due to wind compensation and other things that makes today's ski jumping less popularity.
I always have good memories with ski jump international. Very cheap game, but how it was exciting. Very simple game for people who really loved ski jumping. Author always had good relations with customers.
But what maked sucsess of DSJ and SJ? It was home made game, not commercial game for money, but for enjoying sport. And now Jussi is working with really hard game, where something to add its a hard work.
I'm not suprised that DSJ its not cost-effective, but please dont forget about fans.
Good luck Jussi!

Re: The future of DSJ

Posted: 24 Mar 2014, 01:16
by Austrian_Skijumpfan_94
Since I started recording dsj4, I think a few viewers bought the game, but it´s a shame the greatest ski jumping game/series ever ends like this.
I realy like to donate something, which keeps the series keep moving.
You dooing really great work and I really appricate that.
A few really important hills are still missing and a want to see a "complete" game.
This means all world cup hills and ski flying hills. And I think I am not the only one, who want to see this.
I prefer hills. Gamemodes are nice, but jeah I don´t care that much about it.
But thanks for the games Jussi.
I´ll keep playing till the series ends.

Re: The future of DSJ

Posted: 24 Mar 2014, 01:45
by Bartek Palewicz
What a shame, seems like low ski jumping popularity stops this game so much. If it would be a game about some popular thing, it would get like hundreds of thousands of votes on something like Steam Greenlight. :?

Re: The future of DSJ

Posted: 24 Mar 2014, 09:27
by Zmaster
Not trying to polish (no pun intented) my own shield, but I've been trying to advertise dsj through another ski jumping game by getting to the top with team Deluxe Ski Jump 4. It's a long shot, but this kind of stuff is what can promote the game "for free". Not all work should be left for Jussi :)

Re: The future of DSJ

Posted: 24 Mar 2014, 11:41
by jurijtepes
Wait a minute. First you think all 13 year olds here value Jussi as a machine not as a human being (not true of course) then your suggestion is to make online mode, probably DSJ's biggest money maker right now, free? I think the price should be raised personally. And don't charge for updates that would be rubbish.

Re: The future of DSJ

Posted: 24 Mar 2014, 13:12
by Kreuzfeuer
Maybe it would help to create a version for IOS/Android. DSJ4 in the AppStore, free Version with Advertisement and buyable Version without. With Apps you can earn much more money. Greetings