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Posted: 11 Jul 2009, 17:41
by rataj
Hi Everyone :)

My best memories hmmm.
WR in DSJ2 - EST 187,53
and long jump on AUS - 300,07 :).

worst-wind editor ;/.

Regards All :)

Posted: 19 Jul 2009, 11:19
by sunset_rider
The first time I got to see DSJ was in early 2000 when I was looking for a Skijumping game that run on my old P133 PC. Loved DSJ from the first second I played it. I just jumped the Shareware version for 4 years until I purchased it in 2004.
I did not like DSJ 3 in the beginning because of the handling, but now I also love it.

The most positive memory in connection with DSJ might be 3 wins in a row in late 2007(?). I had just started the months of practice on DSJ and had just begun to play online. Had a score of 900 or so. From one minute to the other I won 3 jumpings on rather full server. I still don't know how this was possible and remember the messages I received from you others. After the third win I started to loose again. My score at the end of the season was ca. 950.
That's what I like so much about DSJ: It's so realistic. A jumper with some practice is able to win from one minute to another.

Posted: 09 Aug 2009, 15:57
by Risto Salonen
I'll keep my memories short:

The best:
- Massive leap in Belarus that could've possibly been a WR at the time with a better landing. That's the best single performance I've ever produced in the series. It's still our national record after 1,5 years.
- I've won a WC race online and finished a couple of tournaments in the top 10 :)

The worst:
- Any kind of cheating that's happened during the history of DSJ.

Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 18:33
by primoon
I remember very clearly the first year when DSJ came out.
My coworker bought it first, think i was the second because of the hill records which are signed in with the owners name.....
It was a big hit in the company with more than 2000 employees in the middle of Ljubljana.
The normal working days were not starting with "good morning" anymore but we started it with "how long was your jump yesterday", so you can imagine....what was going on.....

Nice memories, stil fabolous - magic simple game,

amazing simple game perfect because of its nature to fill up the empty moments during working time ...

Jussi keep on doing good work, congratulations ! :D


Posted: 28 Nov 2009, 11:58
by amcia1988
I remember when I saw DSJ for the first time. I was 12 and it was year 2000 :D The true love to game exploded in 2001 when Adam Malysz started to win competitions :) I remember that I received my second computer so I could at last play DSJ!!! And I started to train... day by day... 5 hours per day listening WHAM's Last Christmas all the time :D

Best moments? Being the best DSJ player in my school (no one was able to beat me) :D and my personal record on Australia - 293m... that was hot... :D

Well I can surely say that I don't have any bad memories connected with DSJ :) It inspired me to write my own Ski Jumping Game called Ski Jump Simulator :)

Thanks Jussi and can't wait to grab DSJ 4 :D

Posted: 02 Dec 2009, 15:08
by LuckyStrike
Ï got a hold of the first versions of this game back in the early 2000's. It was a pirated version, but at that point I didn't care much.
The game, simple as it was graphic-wise, was hopelessly addictive and I spent many hours trying to fly down the hills. Then shelved the game for a long while.

Then, DSJ 3 was released, and I found a new spark for the game. Got another pirated version, but the online records and such made me buy it. I do not regret that for a second and I feel ashamed for playing a pirated version for so long. A game such as this deserves the support. If a new version at some point would require a new license, I'd buy that in a heartbeat.

My little brother, my father and I had competitions going on for a long time (I bought a license for my brother as well), and it was a competition indeed. We would send each other text messages on occasion telling we'd beat the other persons score.

One of my best memories would be when I jumped 279, 97m in Bulgaria. For long that stood as the 4th best jump in Norway. This was in version 1.5.

1.6 came and I'd forgotten just about everything, and had to learn everything almost from scratch, did some rather poor jumps and left it at that. I've recently picked it up again, and have started to learn allover.

DSJ is still as addictive as it was back then. Kudos to Jussi for the continued support and development of the game.

Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 04:10
by Pasi84fin
At start i started playing DSJ2 then DSJ3.

DSJ2 Best Records: Fin 115,84m 26th finrec, Bel 262,77m 24th finrec, Lat 186,96m 29th finrec

DSJ3 1.5 Best Records: Rus 230,60m 27th finrec, Aut 204,67m 19th fin, Ger 278,47m 25th fin, Bel 231,66m 2nd fin 21th world, Cro 304,57m 21th fin

Posted: 03 Feb 2010, 17:43
by Henrik Eidi
I remember my neighbour played it as I entered his room early 2000 I belive,
we ended up playing it in several hours, and day after day for a long time.

Best memory is actually quite fresh, started playing online for only 1 month ago, and to see so many players participate in Tour de dsj is just wonderful!

Worst memory must be the world records and the names who own them.

Posted: 02 Mar 2010, 22:20
by housefull
Severin wrote:Hmm, how did I get in touch with DSJ?

I don't really remember anymore... must have been while searching the web for ski jumping games... And then it was DSJ 2.1, and the realisation that this is a way better game than the RTL Skispringen 2000 :lol:

The best moment? well there were two I think... My first world record in Slowenia in DSJ2.1because it was my first world record and then my world record in australia because it was sitting in front of the screen and not believing my eyes ;)
Currently I have 15 years. The Deluxe Ski Jump played from a small beginning with DSJ2 to DSJ3, so play ok already 6 years. The beginnings were difficult in the majority of players DSJ3 bold with my skills in tournaments but I decided that yet to see how well the jumps. Now I can boast a record number of Polish and 1 world. Thank you Jussi, that did this game!