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Posted: 11 Feb 2007, 06:27
by Espen
Hi, I just got access to the Forum. I've been playing DSJ for years, and I would first like to say that it's fun to see all the enthusiasm and good ideas presented here. I wasn't really aware there were programs to help you cheat, although I have been expecting it - seeing those insane jumps topping the record lists these days.

There has been a lot of talk about cheating using speed reduction, and I agree with those of you who say this is wrong. There is another aspect to the game that yet hasn't been emphasized on in this forum, as far as I know - and that has to do with jumping technique. This "problem" or let's just say element (to be more nuteral), has excisted for a long time. It goes way back in the DSJ2-version. A great part of the conversation in the forum has been about ideas for improvements. There are conflicting interests regarding presenting new features like wind and speed control and sticking to the unpredictable, yet fair weather conditions in real life. This is a good discussion, but it strikes me these things become less significant, when you see the record-breaking jumpers actually start their jump after having left the skijump(!), and then almost crash into the ground, just barely being saved by some frenetic wing-flapping of the skis to send them charging back up in the air.

There was a similar technique used back in DSJ2, and I got quite good at it too... But after having "found the key", I lost the interest. It wasn't proper skijumping anymore (which sounds really silly, talking about a computer game..). Rediscovering Deluxe Skijump version 3.1 some years later was fantastic. And I must really complement Jussi Koskela on his efforts to make DSJ3 such a sophisticated, realistic, yet simple game.

To finish off I must say that I am very impressed with all the fantastic jumps people have made, all over Europe - and uploaded for others to see, putting aside any devices they might have used, speed control or others. As long as these programs are available, people will use them...

My wish for the next version is that only "realistic" looking jumps will give good results and that wing-flapping skis will send you crashing into the ground face first...

All the best to you!
Espen, Norway

Posted: 11 Feb 2007, 23:11
by darko
the problem is, the game is not noob-friendly and this also hurts jussi in his sales, i don't know why is he hesitating to just reset the list...

it's just making this game very unfriendly and not fun for the rest of us that don't like cheating.

it would really take a simple update of the game that will be for a new list and that way people can play on a new clean list without cheating while the other records stay the way they are...