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Some beginner questions

Posted: 07 Sep 2020, 15:04
by nutisfiroz9
Hi everyone, I'm new here.

I watched Eddie the Eagle, and I fell in love with ski jumping. Why are there 250m jumps and in the olympics they don't even get close to 200m. Are the ramps of different measures? Or the best don't compet at the olympics?

The other is, how can I watch the world championship? I know it'll luckily begin in November (If I'm right), but is there a youtube channel, a web or something where I can watch the competence? Doesn't mattee if it's not live.

In my country we have no winter, but I still like the sport very much.

Thank you.

Re: Some beginner questions

Posted: 29 Oct 2020, 02:29
by kumy246
Well for start welcome into ski jumping comunity. lets begin with the first question. In ski jumping world cup competition there are inclueded normal hills which has hill size of about 90m then there are large hills of hill size about 130m and ski flying hills which has hill size of about 240m. Most of competition in world cup are on large hills, aparently because they are more interesting than normal hills and still there are quite a lot of them, while there are only 5 ski flying hills(harrachov, Obersdorf,Kulm, Vikersund, and Planica). At the olympic of course there are the best jumpers participating it, but at olympic games the competition is make on normal and large hill and not on the flying hill because only 5 countries in all the world have ones, and sadly there is no interest in building some new even knowing the harrachov one is not functional so actually now only 4 flying hills are working. About the stream, i think there are some live streams but not sure exactly because in our country we have it on national tv so we don't need streams...

Re: Some beginner questions

Posted: 29 Oct 2020, 02:30
by kumy246
if you have any other question just ask i will likely answer