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Utilize free space on screen while jumping

Posted: 02 Jul 2023, 16:06
by MikesCZ
There is lot of free space on the left side of the screen when you are doing your jump. Stealing ideas from another game now but there are several features which would be nice to display on screen, like:

1. Hill rating = simple rating system like 1-10 and player can just press like or dislike for each hill.
2. Top records = current top 10 PBs worldwide in a small simple table. Below it could be your current standings for that hill. Second table with the same but for national standings
3. Display how many hills are left to play in current someting very trivial like "10 out of 24"

Example from another game:


Re: Utilize free space on screen while jumping

Posted: 02 Jul 2023, 16:11
by Tim Davignon
I agree, it will be more comfortable to see these thing when you are jumping. Very nice Michal.