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Releasing DSJ4 on Steam Greenlight

Posted: 05 Feb 2017, 16:23
by Cubenity
Buying the game would be much easier, more people would know about it, and you would get thousands of votes easily. Why not?

Re: Releasing DSJ4 on Steam Greenlight

Posted: 07 Feb 2017, 23:45
by Dangerous Dave
Exactly this! I have been playing DSJ for years now, but my ONLY way of buying games is by Paysafecard. That's why I'm stuck with the demo since DSJ3. This has been bothering me so much, DSJ4 is the only really good ski jumping game I could find.

There are many advantages of Steam:

- more exposure (WAY more, you can't even imagine how much more) and that means more buyers
- more ways of payment - again, that means WAY more buyers
- there are no ski jumping games on Steam, so there is no competition and it is something new and exciting to the Steam users
- the Steam community can be used to share your records with other people, discuss the game etc. and that can mean even more exposure

And I believe that RIGHT NOW is the best time to do this, since Polish jumpers are doing well and this sport is very popular in Poland, therefore Polish people will look for ski jumping games.

We know it will be greenlit easily, so why not do it?