Quetion for Jussi about the new in-game menu.

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Quetion for Jussi about the new in-game menu.

Post by Szumi_1823 »

Hi everyone reading the post. I have a very good idea about the changes to the game but I can't ant I don't have permissions to mess with the game. My idea is to add a variable wind to the game during the competition, which automatically changes the beam and deducts or added points for it and for the wind. I don't know if anyone could do it but in my opinion it would attract even more players. I cordially greet all readers. :D
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Re: Quetion for Jussi about the new in-game menu.

Post by MikesCZ »

Isn't it so that every jumper during one competition has the same wind? If yes, then what's the need for points deduction or addition based on wind? It would add or deduct the same amount for everyone.

I believe the whole wind point system was introduced to real life ski jumping to make it more fair, because no two jumpers have identical wind....but in DSJ you have the same as your opponent (I hope :D)
Name: Michal Kala
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Re: Quetion for Jussi about the new in-game menu.

Post by Jussi Koskela »

I agree with Michal.
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Re: Quetion for Jussi about the new in-game menu.

Post by Szumi_1823 »

Jussi Koskela wrote:I agree with Michal.
Okay, thank you, Mr. Jussi for reading the response to the game improvement proposal, but I did not describe in the previous one that in my idea it is included with the wind gate system to make it look more realistic, because temporarily, as I would like to note, the beam moves only after loading a given competition, but it looks like this is similar to the 70s where the beam was the default for every jumper, but this is only a suggestion, and in my opinion it would attract a lot of players as I have already indicated this is a suggestion that aims to improve the game despite the fact that it is already great, and the community of yours great game is pleasantly surprised with the recent update, and the game would still be on a hype after the introduction of the next ones.I n my idea, I did not point out before that players would probably like to divide the overall World Cup online / offline standings into mini-cycles and cycles like Willingen 5 or Vierschanzentourne separately from the World Cup, but that these cycles are, in fact, a separate tournament included in the overall standings in the game. Best regards to everyone! :D
Dangerous Dave
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Re: Quetion for Jussi about the new in-game menu.

Post by Dangerous Dave »

MikesCZ wrote:Isn't it so that every jumper during one competition has the same wind? If yes, then what's the need for points deduction or addition based on wind? It would add or deduct the same amount for everyone.

I believe the whole wind point system was introduced to real life ski jumping to make it more fair, because no two jumpers have identical wind....but in DSJ you have the same as your opponent (I hope :D)
I don't know how it is in online gameplay, but the wind definitely doesn't stay the same in offline. Just try setting the wind to 2,0 m/s in practice and jump for a while. The wind strength will change from about 1,5 m/s to 2,5 m/s, which is a 1 m/s difference.
It is even more significant when the wind is weak - for example, I started a World Cup competition and the wind was 0,3 m/s from the side. For the next jumper, the wind changed to about 1,0 m/s from the back, which made it very difficult for the second jumper to beat the first one.
I'm not saying that adding wind compensation is necessary, but the difference in wind strength and direction can be pretty big and can eventually decide the result of the competition.
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Re: Quetion for Jussi about the new in-game menu.

Post by EgyLynx »

MikesCZ wrote:Isn't it so that every jumper during one competition has the same wind? If yes, then what's the need for points deduction or addition based on wind? It would add or deduct the same amount for everyone.

I believe the whole wind point system was introduced to real life ski jumping to make it more fair, because no two jumpers have identical wind....but in DSJ you have the same as your opponent (I hope :D)
Sounds like you just jump with lott cpu jumpers?
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